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5 Ways to Sneak More Plants Into Your Diet

Discover easy steps for creating a more plant based diet with these 5 ways to sneak more plants into your everyday meals!

plant based diet, plant based recipes, plant based ideas

Eating plant based does not mean you have to sacrifice your favorite meals.

In fact, you can add a flare to your favorite meals by adding nutrition and color through new and exciting vegetables to keep you feeling your best.

plant based diet, plant based recipes, plant based ideas

#1 Eat More of Your Favorite Vegetables: Plant Based Diet

Sure some vegetables are more appealing than others and if you are just starting out in your journey with plant based eating it is perfectly fine to start with one or two of your favorite vegetables.

So if you only like carrots, then start with that and begin trying a new vegetable at least every week.

Once your taste changes you will really start to enjoy eating new things and it will become easier to move away from your old diet habits.

Get in the habit of eating larger amounts of plants throughout the day.

That could be as simple as always have some steamed carrots with dinner.

Or always having a small salad with lunch.

With each meal the goal is to add some vegetables in greater portions.

The best part is you can eat as much vegetables as you want.

Raw is best.

Steamed works great.

Roasted and sautéed is just delicious.

So start throwing in some mushrooms with your favorite pasta.

Begin snacking on apples for a healthy alternative.

Choose a light banana to start your morning.

Every day look for more chances to add plants into your diet.

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plant based diet, plant based recipes, plant based ideas

#2 How To Add Beans To Your Favorite Recipes?

There are such a variety of beans.

All with different flavors, textures, and nutrients.

Experiment with adding a variety of beans with your everyday meals.

Garbanzo beans add a lovely starch element to sautéed dishes, while black beans can make a delicious topping for baked sweet potatoes or they can simply take center stage with a delicious bean filled chili.

Beans are pack loaded with nutrients, protein, and fiber making them a wonderful filler.

Plus with so much variety the combinations are endless.

So always look for the opportunity to pair the perfect bean to any meal.

plant based diet, plant based recipes, plant based ideas

#3 Easy Smoothie Ideas For A Plant Based Diet

One of the quickest and easiest ways to incorporate a variety of nutrients into your diet without the hassle of cooking is to simply puree and make a smoothie out of your favorite fruits and vegetables.

Of course, use a variety to create combinations that leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

The best thing about a delicious smoothie is you can add so many different nutritional elements and its easy to cover up ingredients that your taste has not fully developed to.

With a splash of apple cider vinegar, a sprinkle of chia seeds, and a pinch of flax seed powder you are on your way to a better healthier you.

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plant based diet, plant based recipes, plant based ideas

#4 Best Seeds and Nuts To Eat For Plant Based Diet

Many times people only think of eating plant based as in fruits and vegetables, but in fact there are many elements to eating plant based.

One great highlight of this lifestyle is enjoying the wonderful variety of seeds plants have to offer.

From almonds to sunflowers seeds and everything in between, you are sure to find a few favorites in no time.

Use these seeds to add a crunch to your salads, as a topping in ethnic inspired dishes, or for a light snack at any time of the day.

plant based diet, plant based recipes, plant based ideas

#5 How To Swap Meat for Plants?

Once you have the handle on eating a variety of plants and understanding how to make them well it is time to start weaning yourself off meat.

To start simply reduce the portion of meat you are eating. Instead of one steak per person think about slicing the steak and adding more plant based items.

So that steak for one turned into a steak for four.

This simple trick will still allow you to enjoy your favorite meat items, while saving you money and and increasing your intake of plants.

Win. Win.

One of the greatest substitutes for meat is mushrooms.

The wonderful thing about mushrooms is they have the texture of meat.

They also take on flavor easily making them the perfect substitute for meat dishes.

A second substitute for meat is rice cauliflower.

The texture and ability to take on flavor make it another great substitute for dishes like tacos.

Eggplant has a great meaty texture as well and is great for plant based lasagnas.

It is all about experimenting with different dishes and seeing what works for you and what does not.

By substituting your favorite meat inspired dishes with plant based versions you are able to incorporate more variety and nutrition into your everyday meals.

Save Money.

Get healthy and inspire others to choose a plant based life style for a better life.

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