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Get Your Stubborn Toddler To Eat With These 5 Easy Tips

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

Discover How To Help Your Toddler Develop Healthy Eating Habits With These 5 Easy Tips

We all want our toddlers to eat wholesome well rounded meals that are healthy and provide proper nutrition.

But the fact of the matter is, feeding toddlers healthy choices can be a struggle, especially when your dealing with a picky eater.

Toddlers can be downright savage when it comes to their eating habits.

Whether they are outright refusing to eat, throwing food all of the floor, or having a meltdown at every meal, toddlers can be brutal when it comes to eating.

Mealtime should be something to look forward to, but many mothers find themselves dreading the chore of trying to get their toddler to simply eat.

Luckily, there are some tips and tricks that can help you get your stubborn toddler to eat.

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

5 Easy Tips For Getting Picky Toddlers To Eat

#1 Cook Homemade Meals

Toddlers don't hold back when it comes to eating foods they like.

You won't find a more honest food critique than a toddler.

If you want to help your toddler develop healthy eating habits, you need to start with cooking wholesome meals.

Unfortunately, when we are dealing with a toddler that refuses to eat anything that isn't processed it is simply because they have had too much processed foods.

By switching to homemade meals your toddler's taste buds will begin to develop a liking to homemade wholesome foods that have less processed ingredients.

Developing healthy eating habits for your toddler all begins with preparing homecooked meals.

If your new to cooking, begin with a small list of easy recipes to begin incorporating into your week then gradually add on new recipes as you become more skilled in the kitchen.

In no time, you will have a range of easy healthy wholesome homecooked meals to offer your family.

Check Out These Recipe Ideas For Feeding Kids:

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

#2 Offer Small Servings

Feeding toddlers can be expensive and if you have a notorious food flinger on your hands it can feel downright wasteful trying to make meals for your picky toddler.

When feeding a toddler the trick is to create small serving sizes.

Remember to give toddlers autonomy over their body and allow them to regulate how much food they eat.

You don't have to stress about how much they ate, simply prepare wholesome foods that your family enjoys give them a small serving and offering more if they request.

By giving them small portions you can dramatically decrease the cost and the amount of waste being produced at each meal.

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

#3 Make Deconstructed Meals

When preparing meals for you toddler, consider offering their portion in a deconstructed manner.

By breaking down the meal into separate small portions your toddler will have the ability to pick and choose the ingredients they enjoy most.

They can also experiment mixing and matching their favorite flavors.

You can easily deconstruct almost any meal and offer your picky toddler small servings with a snack layout that will make your toddler more excited about eating.

Think a little portion of chicken, steam vegetables, baked potato, cheese, and a dipping sauce all presented in small individual portions so your toddler can pick and dip their favorite ingredients easily.

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

#4 It's All About Variety

To develop healthy eating habits you need to offer your toddler a variety of ingredients so they can develop their taste for new and exciting foods.

You do not need to be overwhelmed with offering new ingredients, simply choose one new recipe each week and develop a list of easy dinner ideas to rotate throughout the month.

This allows you to limit the stress of what to make, while creating a foundation of wholesome healthy meals to feed your family each week that your toddler also enjoys.

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

#5 Consistency Is Key

When it comes to developing any habit consistency is key.

Same is true when it comes to creating healthy eating habits in your toddler.

When it comes to feeding toddlers, you have to mentally prepare for the meltdowns and failures that come with teaching your toddler to eat healthier choices.

Learn to not stress and to trust the process.

If your toddler refuses to eat do not give into feeding them snacks instead opt for healthy meal options presented in a snack form.

If your toddler throws their food be ready with a consistent consequence like begin removed from the table for a few minutes then asked to try again.

If your toddler has a meltdown because they don't like what you are serving make sure you have offered a meal that is suitable and contains at least one ingredient they like for sure and if they simply refuse to eat something that was prepared well they have to go to bed hungry.

This may seem a little harsh but by having consistency in the foods you make and the consequences for unwanted behavior you will see a great development in your toddler's eating habits and manners surrounding meal times.

how to get stubborn toddler to eat healthy easy tips

How To Feed A Toddler That Won't Eat

If your struggling to get your toddler to eat remember that developing healthy eating habits takes time and patience.

Make the journey easier by outlining your favorite family recipes that your toddler also enjoys.

Create wholesome meals and present them deconstructed in small servings with a snack like approach to entice your picky eater to munch.

Finally, have a consistent routine that outlines the boundaries for acceptable behavior at the table and stick to it.

The more consistent you are with your expectations the quicker you can develop good eating habits for your toddler.

Make meal time enjoyable again by using these 5 Easy Tips For Getting Stubborn Toddlers To Eat and check out below great recipes ideas for feeding your family wholesome meals.

Find More Recipe Ideas Below:


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