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How To Find Your Calm Quick Meditation Tips for Busy Moms

Are you juggling a gazillion things at once, from cooking meals to managing work and family life feeling like your mind is on an endless spin cycle with no off button in sight?

a woman practicing meditation

I know I have struggled with this monkey brain tendency for years and still do if I don't take time out of my day to center and settle my mind from over thinking.

That is what meditation does for you it allows you to quiet your mind.

To become the observer of your thoughts.

To be able to control your mind from endlessly racing.

It is a mental exhaustion all moms face, but here are some game-changing tips on how you can sneak in some well-deserved "me-time" through the power of meditation.

Let's dive in and discover how you can unwind even amidst the chaos of mom life!

Why Meditation, You Ask?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of how to fit meditation into your jam-packed schedule, let's take a quick detour into why this ancient practice is an absolute game-changer for us busy mamas.

Meditation isn't just about sitting cross-legged and chanting "ohm."

It's a powerful tool that can help you reclaim your inner peace, reduce stress levels, boost mental clarity, and improve your overall wellbeing.

With this practice just a few minutes of meditation each day can work wonders for your sanity!

woman doing a meditation breathing practice

How To Find The Time To Meditate When Your A Busy Mom

Now I get it, finding time for yourself in between diaper changes, cooking meals, cleaning the house, and making sure everyone gets to their activities it can seem like an impossible mission to find quiet time for yourself.

But one of the great benefits of meditation is that you only need to practice for a few minutes each day to begin noticing a calmer presence and to quiet your thoughts.

That is why I created a collection of gentle soundscapes to help you find a few minutes to relax each day you can find the link below and begin crafting your own meditation practice.

For finding the time to meditate, here are some simple tips to help you carve out those precious moments for meditation as part of your self care routine.

1. Early Bird Catches the Zen

Set your alarm clock just 10 minutes earlier than usual. I know, I know, sleep is sacred, but trust me on this. Those few quiet moments before the chaos ensues can be your secret meditation paradise. Brew a cup of your favorite coffee or tea, find a cozy corner, and dive into your Zen zone before the day officially kicks off.

2. Lunch Break Bliss

While the kids are at school, doing an activity, or taking a nap, press pause on the craziness and steal a moment for yourself. Find a peaceful spot, pop in your earbuds, play some calming music or a guided meditation, and let the stress melt away. It's like a mini-vacay for your mind, right in the midst of the daily hustle.

3. Bedtime Wind-Down

Once the little ones are snug in their beds, it's your turn to unwind. Swap scrolling through social media for a soothing meditation session. Dim the lights, light a scented candle or turn on an essential oil diffuser and let your mind drift off to a place of tranquility. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for it.

a woman meditating

How To Quiet the A Racing Mind?

Now, onto the million-dollar question – how on earth do you quiet that mom brain of yours during meditation?

Here are some tips to help you tame the mental chatter and slip into a state of calm:

  • Focus on Your Breath: Start by taking deep, intentional breaths. Feel the air entering your lungs and then slowly release it. This simple act of focusing on your breath can anchor you to the present moment and quiet your racing thoughts.

  • Embrace Imperfection: Your mind will wander and that's totally okay! When you catch your thoughts drifting off to grocery lists or tomorrow's to-dos, gently bring your focus back to your breath or the guided meditation. Remember, meditation is a practice, not perfection.

  • Set Realistic Expectations: You don't need an hour-long meditation session to reap the benefits. Even just 5-10 minutes of mindfulness can work wonders. So, let go of the pressure to meditate like a guru and simply embrace the moment as it is.

The thing with meditation is the more you practice the easier it is to ease into a state where your mind is quiet. Listening to a guided meditation is really helpful for beginners because it allows you to listen and tune into the guided words, which makes quieting the endless thoughts easier by bringing you into the present moment.

a woman meditating using a singing bowl

Finding Time To Meditate

And there you have it simple tips for squeezing in some much-needed meditation time into your busy schedule.

Remember, self-care isn't selfish.

It's a necessity to recharge yourself so that you can tackle each day with renewed energy and focus.

So, go ahead, unwind one mindful breath at a time.

You deserve it!

a woman meditating on the beach

Now take a few minutes to immerse yourself in a gentle meditation with our collection of soothing soundscapes created to help you release stress, let go of anxiety, and find more moments of joy through intentional slow living.

trust the journey believe in yourself graphic t shirt

white sage lavender candle
can't touch this I'm too sharp coffee mug



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