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The Perfect Watermelon and Delicious Recipe Ideas for Summer

Summer, the season of sun-soaked afternoons, lazy beach days, and of course, the sweet, refreshing taste of watermelon that you can grow in your home garden and pick to perfection with these easy tips for creating fresh tasty watermelon inspired recipe ideas.

watermelon slices on a cutting board striped kitchen towel in background

But before you can indulge in this quintessential summer fruit, you need to know how to pick the perfect one from your backyard garden.

No one wants to bite into a watery, bland melon, so follow these simple tips to ensure your watermelon is just right.

Watermelon is an easy fruit to grow as long as you provide it with sufficient water in a sunny location and by growing your own you can try new ways to enjoy this tasty sweet treat throughout the Summer with this list of fun watermelon recipe ideas.

These plants love to spread their vines and can produce several watermelons off just one plant making them a must have in any Summer garden.

a watermelon plant

How To Pick a Watermelon That is Ripe From Your Garden

  1. Look for the Field Spot: This is the creamy yellow spot where the watermelon sat on the ground and ripened. A deep, buttery yellow indicates a ripe melon.

  2. Tap for a Hollow Sound: Give the watermelon a gentle tap. A ripe one will produce a deep, hollow sound, similar to a drum. If it sounds dull, it’s not quite there yet.

  3. Check for Uniform Shape: Irregular bumps or odd shapes can indicate inconsistent growing conditions, potentially leading to an uneven texture and flavor.

  4. Feel the Weight: A good watermelon should feel heavy for its size. This means it's full of water and therefore, juicy and ripe.

  5. Inspect the Skin: A ripe watermelon will have a dull, not shiny, appearance. Shiny skin indicates it’s under ripe.

watermelon slices

Instructions for Cutting a Garden-Picked Watermelon

Once you’ve picked the perfect watermelon, cutting it efficiently can help you enjoy it even more.

Here’s a simple method to get the best pieces:

  1. Wash the Watermelon: Rinse the outside under cool water to remove any dirt or pesticides.

  2. Cut off the Ends: Using a sharp knife, slice off both ends of the watermelon to create a stable base.

  3. Stand and Slice: Stand the watermelon on one of the cut ends. Slice down the middle to halve it.

  4. Quarter the Halves: Lay each half flat and cut it in half again to create quarters.

  5. Slice into Wedges or Cubes: Depending on your preference, you can either cut each quarter into wedges or make horizontal and vertical cuts for cubes.

a women holding a watermelon slice on a popsicle stick

11 Summer Watermelon Recipes to Keep You Refreshed

This garden favorite is perfect for creating fun light and refreshing meal ideas that are great for keeping you cool this Summer.

  1. Watermelon Feta Salad: Combine cubes of watermelon with crumbled feta cheese, fresh mint leaves, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze for a refreshing, savory-sweet salad.

  2. Watermelon Smoothie: Blend watermelon chunks with a splash of lime juice and a handful of ice for a quick and hydrating smoothie.

  3. Spicy Watermelon Salsa: Dice watermelon, jalapeños, red onion, and cilantro. Mix with lime juice and salt for a sweet and spicy salsa perfect with tortilla chips.

  4. Watermelon Gazpacho: Puree watermelon with tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, and a splash of vinegar. Chill and serve as a cold soup on hot days.

  5. Grilled Watermelon Steaks: Slice watermelon into thick slabs, brush with olive oil, and grill for a few minutes on each side. Sprinkle with sea salt and serve.

  6. Watermelon Popsicles: Puree watermelon and pour into popsicle molds. Add a few whole blueberries or mint leaves before freezing for a delightful frozen treat.

  7. Watermelon Margarita: Blend watermelon with tequila, lime juice, and triple sec. Serve over ice with a salted rim for a summer cocktail.

  8. Watermelon Sorbet: Puree watermelon with a bit of sugar and lemon juice. Freeze in an ice cream maker for a light and refreshing dessert.

  9. Watermelon Caprese Skewers: Alternate watermelon cubes with mozzarella balls and basil leaves on skewers. Drizzle with balsamic reduction.

  10. Watermelon and Shrimp Ceviche: Combine diced watermelon with cooked shrimp, red onion, cilantro, and lime juice for a tropical twist on ceviche.

  11. Watermelon Sushi Rolls: Replace the tuna with thin watermelon slices. Roll with sushi rice, avocado, and cucumber for a vegan-friendly sushi option.

a bowl of watermelon blueberries topped with mint leaves

The Sweet Benefits of Eating Watermelon

Watermelon isn't just a delicious and versatile fruit; it's also incredibly beneficial for your health.

Packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, watermelon supports your immune system, skin health, and vision.

It's also a great source of hydration, thanks to its high water content—over 90%!

This makes it perfect for staying cool and refreshed during the hot summer months.

Moreover, watermelon contains antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene, which help protect your cells from damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The amino acid citrulline found in watermelon can improve blood flow and cardiovascular health, making it not only a tasty treat but also a heart-healthy choice.

With these benefits and the array of creative recipes, watermelon can be a staple in your summer diet.

Whether you're enjoying it fresh, blended into a smoothie, or as a unique twist in savory dishes, watermelon is sure to bring a burst of flavor and health to your table.

So, next time you're at the market or looking for something new to grow in your home garden, use these tips to pick the perfect watermelon and enjoy all the delicious possibilities this fruit has to offer.


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